Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Recently there's lots of quarrels going on in wanyu's forum

- shanwei's departure
- renfu absentism
- lousy contents of wanyu
- repeated guests
- 'You' girls and 'You' boys

shanwei's departure...
Well .. many could not accept the fact that he, zhang shan wei, had left wanyu. He had hosted wanyu for almost 4 yrs with renfu. And they both had agreed that if one day, when either one leave wanyu , the other one would follow . i can see this coming true. yeah . they kept their promise , at least half-fufilled...

renfu's absentism...
It was said that he is busying with Shi Shen's recordings as well as 56's 4th album . but many fans of him shooted that it's impossible . how could he possibly be so busy till there's no time for him to host wanyu. 'It's all EXCUSES' was what most of the fans responsed.

lousy contents of wanyu...
Actually, it's half-true . This is my opinion . but i can see that the organiser are alreasy trying their best to change the contents. some contents might be lousy, stupid and boring, but there are some in which it gives a distinctive image in audiences. Every one makes mistake right ? So we shall give them time to learn their mistakes. Forgive and Forget.

Repeated guests of wanyu...
Hmm . It's really annoying sometimes when u see the same person coming here everyday. like recently, it's fei lun hai . at least currently, i am okay with them . but i guess those who scolded about this issue are probably those who dislike the guests . Hmm .. what i can say is , everyone has their own preference right. So, for the sake of watching renfu/mengzhe/JR , so why not bear with the guests ? As i think that most viewers are actually watching the hosts more than the guests .

'You' girls and boys...
They are the "outstanding" ones whom came out from the "You" competition. After reading what Winnie Yan, organiser of wanyu, had said. I do agree with her.
These girls and boys came out from this competition. and we just can't let them die off just like that. If not, ppl would think that competitions are just fake ones. Once u win , u get nothing. Well .. thus , we could only accept the fact that, yesh , there are going-to-be artiste. Even though i also dislike them. i think the only thing i can do is not to support them . Well.. idols need supports... but not everyone will 100% give u your support. So .. Good luck to these 'You' girls and boys. The entertainment route is a tough one . Like 5566. initially, they were also kanna scolded by a lot of ppl .. but look at them now. they are so successful now .
some say that u can't compare 'You' girls and boys with 5566 . think differently. how about Singapore Idols, American Idols .. Aren't they also winners from a competition . And like Taufic , Sebastian ... yeah .. they all came out with ALBUMS !!! So why can't 'You' girls and boys release singles too ? Yep , they came out with one. and again, ppl started scolding . cos they just can't accept . i'm afraid to say that i am also one of these anti-'You' series of boys and girls .
Again, the best thing to do is ... Not to support them ..

So .. Like what Renfu had said in his blog, Yeah .. we should really calm down and thing throughfully. Before the words come out from our mouth, maybe we should think of others first ? And , instead of changing the others , why not change yourself first ? Hmm ... seriously , i also think that i should change myself also . Sometimes, i really think that i have a really bad attitude. For eg, once i dislike a person , i will hate that person. It's really scary sometimes... See.. even i myself also can't stand myself . I have to admit that there's an angel shan2 as well as a devil shan2 . >_<

KK.. it's such a long post . and all these efforts in typing out is just to let me myself to arrange my thoughts . And hopefully, wanyu's forum will have lesser arguments. Let bygones be bygones. Everyone will say something wrong when he/she is angry... >_< kk ???

Don't be worry ... Be Happy Always ...

Hmm .. I have calmed down . Relax ...

Well .. just came back from school. It was a so-so experience la .

Met xl at 12pm . congrats her for being able to receive her bursary . she's in need of $$ . and know what ? school just deducted the school fees that was due directly from the $1000 she is supposed to receive ...

Ate a bit of pizaa hut for lunch ..

Went for briefing at 1.30pm ... Learn about what we supposed to teach later .

And finally, the kids came . these kids are from family service centre in hougang . and our job are to teach them how to make a greeting card ( Animated ) . Hmm . so i was posted to a girl, judith, Primary 5 . she looks mature and seems to be the eldest among the rest, even though there are Primary 6 kids too .. Some kids are just so cute, naughty and cheerful !!! Hehe ...

So went we sent then back, Mr Goh say .. wow .. u all didn't cry ar . i was thinking .. hello .. it's only a few hours we just met . i dun think relationship could grow so fast within a few hours . unlike when i was in Sec 2 .. sayumi .. yeah .. the japanese exchange programme i had in AES was much more fun and memorable !!! >_<

kk .. So that's all


And so next mon , instead of tues, we are gonna have the celebration for jas b.dae .

and it shall either be secret recipe/ swensen/ new york new york ...

that's all .. off for my show . bye !!!

FUCKER BITCH !!! Damn u ...

Not that I WANTED TO SAY ... is that u are DAMN FUCKING CRAZY !!!! IT's YOU who quarrelled with me okay ???

DARN U !!! ASSHOLE !!!! How COULD U POSSIBLY BE MY SISTER !!! DAMN U !!!! I HATE U MAN... It's MY belongings and thus I HAVE THE RIGHT !!!