Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hmm .. I have calmed down . Relax ...

Well .. just came back from school. It was a so-so experience la .

Met xl at 12pm . congrats her for being able to receive her bursary . she's in need of $$ . and know what ? school just deducted the school fees that was due directly from the $1000 she is supposed to receive ...

Ate a bit of pizaa hut for lunch ..

Went for briefing at 1.30pm ... Learn about what we supposed to teach later .

And finally, the kids came . these kids are from family service centre in hougang . and our job are to teach them how to make a greeting card ( Animated ) . Hmm . so i was posted to a girl, judith, Primary 5 . she looks mature and seems to be the eldest among the rest, even though there are Primary 6 kids too .. Some kids are just so cute, naughty and cheerful !!! Hehe ...

So went we sent then back, Mr Goh say .. wow .. u all didn't cry ar . i was thinking .. hello .. it's only a few hours we just met . i dun think relationship could grow so fast within a few hours . unlike when i was in Sec 2 .. sayumi .. yeah .. the japanese exchange programme i had in AES was much more fun and memorable !!! >_<

kk .. So that's all


And so next mon , instead of tues, we are gonna have the celebration for jas b.dae .

and it shall either be secret recipe/ swensen/ new york new york ...

that's all .. off for my show . bye !!!


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