Tuesday, August 01, 2006

From left to right.. xiuling , michelle , me and xiao suan ...
Today is our presentation day ... Hmm quite good lah .. though mrs tan said i was TOO FAST but confident... i got 42/50 ... so is xiuling .... but xiao suan and michelle got 40/50 only ... Don't know why leh .. haiz ..

xiao suan's just love herself SOooo MUCH ,, she took my cam and took a lot of her own photos ... haha .. so my digi cam got a lot of her photos la ... haha .. thus i shall post it here !!!

my kind teacher, mrs betty tan ... with gina, janice and karen .. hehe ... i'm right behind ..can see ? haha .. luckily i tip-toed ...

SO tired today ... my toes are in pain ... the heels are so high .. haha ... i'm worried for my project's flash introduction ... haiz... walk one step see one step ba ...

ate ice cream just now ... must treat myself .. hehe ... for my effort made ...

Anyway .. yesterday i was just SOOOOO sad .. i could have got 97/100 for my STATS !!! ... but i just cancelled my correct ans and wrote the wrong one .. thus i got 93/100 ... this is just so sad ... i got it right initially .. i just dunno why that day i cancel and write the other ans ... haiz ...
anyway ..this time a lot of ppl did well .. janice got 97/100 .. i was shocked ..she's the highest .. follow by ziyu they all .. china guy ... china ppl good in maths ba .. haha


I wan go lot one !!! i wan play the sims 2... haha

13 more days to Accts EXAM !!!! Woooooo ... .