Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Today got up at 6am as usual ... Wash up , took breakfast and went see doctor !!! Finally .. after 4 days , i decided to go and see doctor ! went out at 6.45am !

Ate macdonald !!! haha ... long time didn't eat le ! my fav. breakfast macmuffin !

go see doctor ... a female one (what u expect ?) go in ... not even 2 mins , come out le .. Damn fast lor .. pay up also fast fast !!! haha

walk back to home's busstop ... took 67 .. alot of stares from others .. must be wondering why this girl so late go school !

Reached school .. today is celebration of life ... yucks* all the aborted babies .. their hands and legs and skulls .. all those images are still in my mind ! can't get rid of it !!!

went back class at 12.30pm ! nothing to do ... chat with jia jia they all .. stupid wanyi keep on doing maths and write letters to *boyfren*
which led me to be so damn bored ...

Chat with mrs tai ... wah lao ... her accesories total cost $8800 !!! Wah .. she damn rich and spendthrift la !!! haha .. i laughed until got tears come out ! haha ...

Maths mock test Paper 2 , a B3 overall ! heez...
same again .. that "Anglican High School" Paper
Why High School ? it looks as if it is not a Singapore school ... Why not Assumption High School too ? the name will be so sweet ! haha ...

rashes ... still all over my hands >_<