Thursday, August 19, 2004

Read manda's blog ... well i'm glad to see that ! thanks alot ! sitting beside you is great too !!! very funny and relaxing ! erm ... and crazy too

... Opps .. tomorrow ORAL !!! Wow ... how amazing it is ... i'm currently not feeling nervous at ALL !!! haha ...

Hmm .. today went for the stupig cambridge thingy ... have to write an essay !!! what a waste of my time ... dunno why ham ham selcted me ! haiz ... as if my english got pass like that ... stupig her !

wah ms poh today damn fierce lor ... that's all i can say !!!

Today cried during some lessons ... was going in and out of the classroom ... how i wished i was in 4/3 ... they have lessons while i think my class is like slacking ... regret why me sec 2 that time not serious ... if not shld have gone there

ans : i would rather be a happy karang guni !!! it's obvious isn't it @@@ i love to be happy .. i dun mind being poor ! jus as long as i'm happy !!!