Sunday, August 14, 2005

today is sunday .. very sianz.. yesterday went sch do mob project ... haha last min do lor ... haiz ..

oral coming soon .. abit scared .. how ? just wish that i can pass lor ... dunno how to study for it .. hehe

Java assignment is out .. hatta do ... sianz...

chat with jiamei for almost 1 hour yesterday ... heh was chatting about 56 & energy lor ... haha bits of sun zhong also ... hehe

miss my frens .. char, we long time no see le leh ..

i wan watch bewitched ...

this week was a busy one . but time passed realli fast lor ... good or not ? i dun know ...
i'm going to be 17 soon ... dun reali wanna grow up .. feeling so scary about the outside world...

k la .. nothing to blog too leh .. still crazy over renfu lor .. and just a normal sch ger ...
anyway .. 1-6-7 (76)...hehe .. motto gambaro ...

hai! gambarimasu !!!

good luck to all my frens ...
bye ...