Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sunday again .
I Love Sunday .. it's 5566 day ...

Finally finished our IDA and MMWD project .. another burden off again ..

still got ELS presentation to go . IDA CA2 on thurs and PFP CA3 on tues . then next mon would be Accts Mid yr exam la.. haiz ...

Xiao suan went clubbing on friday night . hmm .. just wondering what's the place like . cos i think i would never ever step into those kind of places . it's so messy and the world inside is very mesy too .. haiz ... wang shao wei always like to go these kind of places ...
well maybe i still prefer healthy lifestyle . haha ...

tml got IDA and MMWD presentation . have to wear formal again . i only got one set of formal clothings lor . wear back the same again . so sianz . haha

now is only 12.23 pm . so sianz . waiting for evening to arrive and it shall be 5566 all the way ..


stress .. asked agnes wad she did when she's feeling stress . she said listen to music .. jaslyn would go shopping with frens ... me leh ? i think listening to music is a better choice . currently listening to shen bian by wu ying liang ping .. it's the song of the video just right below . i mean earlier entry la .. very nice . renfu and xiezhi is just so sweet . i love their brotherly relationship . hmm . wishes to see them together again . but xiezhi .. u are so far away now .. faster go back to taiwan to find renfu ba .. haah


sometimes really think i have bad attitude ar .. so sorry to my grp members sometimes . furthermore, i'm so call a perfectionist . wadever things i also want it to be almost perfect . so i demanded a lot for the project . made really a lot a lot of changes . though efforts made was useless for those previous things done, i think our project looks better now . really thanks to you guys okay ..


managed to contact yeekoon le .. she say she most probably can make it for the steam boat .. so is audrey . hehe ... so cool .. i'm so looking forward to that day ... haha ...


thinking i won't work on this holiday .. sianz la ... haiz....

kk shall stop here .. i wan go shopping .. but still got 1 more week to endure ... haiz ..