Thursday, September 14, 2006

Well. surfing around . i have to admit i am really an emotional girl .

This is my life. I have to admit. I always grunt about this and that but i am lazy to solve it out. Well.. Feeling low right now despite just finished watching wanyu at channel 56.

My classmate , XXX , had gotten herself a new bf . well . this may be good for her ? i don't really want to touch her 'romance' part. So let's just be normal good poly frens okay .
>>> Sometimes, it is better not to know something <<<

Appearance is given by god. U can't really do anything to it, except improvements.
Recently just saw Ah-Mei Jie ( Xu Chun Mei ) new look . she went plastic surgery i think. yeah she's much more beautiful compared to earlier.
>>> In this world, there's no ugly women, only lazy women <<<
>>> Effort will give results <<< Shan2: 'But not ALWAYS so!'


Kk, i should not think so much. it would only make myself sad and moody.

Anyway, sent message asking around who will be uploading 9/10 shao nian te gong dui. But it seems like nobody can. Cos some are busy, or problem with the file format. So , i think the only solution is > DOWNLOAD. And my stupid laptop will take ages to finish this task . cos this file is 900MB++ .. Can't use my desktop as it is out of order. and it had been lying dead for almost 1 month i guess. with consideration on my family current financial situation, i decided not to repair it so soon yet , though my mum keep saying when want to repair ar ??
The cost ? i'm scared that it might need a lot . like $100 ?? I don't know ...

Anyway, i think the main problem with my is lack of confidence. Yeah . though i had already gained more confidence within this 1 ~ 2 years. but i am still sad to say, I need more. Whenever i want to approach something which i fear, i will retreat. After many times of this kind of experience. i have finally figured out that the main problem with me is >>> LACK OF CONFIDENCE !!!

SO .... can someone please tell me how should i solve this issue ? Yeah . i want to improve myself . Or i should rather say that i should change myself . I don't want a chicken shan shan who is always scared of this and that. Before something really happen, i am always panicking about this and that . i really hate this man ... >_<

Renfu, u have been encouraging yr fans to grow up with you. Face things calmly. Make sure you are in the right condition to answer every thing you are being asked. Yeah . Words can be said easily but it is difficult to accomplish. This is my response to you . So ... haiz .. nvm, just watching you on TV will at least satify my need. What need? >>> Entertainment need. haha .. i feel that i sound like treating u as a gigolo. >_< I'm truly sorry .

Kk .. i shall stop here. I guess it's a boring post . Yesh . i am just complaining about myself .

To end off , i shall remind myself that . . .

~~ Everyone have their own life. ~~


Just get used to it . (>_<)