Wednesday, June 14, 2006

mood gets down easily...

stress .. cos of project ... it's very difficult to do . it needs a lot of patient and hardwork . i scared my laptop cannot handle it too .. it get laggy whenever i try to edit many videos . well ... i think maybe i should go school and do ? hmm lazy nah ...

had fun tooking videos in school yesterday . but due to some reasons , our storyboard changed . we decided to took all videos in school . it defeats the purpose of our video clip if we were to follow the original storyboard . anyway i hope everything goes well .

i think it's hard to get an A for this project le . maybe we can only hope for a B ?

anyway , i really must relax during next week chalet le . cos i think i am stressing myself .


Renfu updated his blog le . but it a really sad entry . he is hinting that he hates being an entertainer who always jokes and do stupid things to make ppl laugh . he's moody and stress too ... felt sorry for him la .. helpless though . many fans had responded, encouraged and helping him to distress himself . i'm glad of the response the fans had given him . just hope tha he dun think too much .. later kanna you yu zheng ..

You had written in your own book before , which is my msn nick , nothing is always that smooth and easily attained ... what u desire is a desire only . it doesn't mean u can achieve it ...

I know you don't like your job. u mentioned that u do it for the sake of $$ and the fans who supported you . yeah .. but even if you are normal business ppl . you may not know that there's a lot of unhappiness out there too .. no work is ever that enjoyable de . we sure have joy but sadness and anger too you know ?? hmm ... just hope that you can think on a brighter side , be happy always okay ?


Hmm ..everyone thinks i'm fierce . but maybe it's me to protect myself ? recently got quite sad due to some reasons . hmm .. maybe i am shy .. i just can't stand strangers. but i am trying to accept 'his' existence le .. my sis also dunno how to think for ppl de lor ... it makes me so uneasy to be at my own house! haiz...


my dad say i'm lacking of experience ... my mum say i can study but dunno how to apply . is that true ? they say i am scared of this and that , how to go into the society ?
Am i really like what they say ? i think i'm more daring le lor ... during presentations , among my grp members, i tink i am the bravest lor ... although my inner feels nervous , at least i did not show it at outer side lor.. my grp members they all can nervous till cannot stand up de .....
maybe i shouldn't compare myself with others ? haiz .. maybe i can think but not talk la .. no wonder my oral so lan ... no confidence in speaking fully english ? maybe so ... this is call "ZI BEI" ...


recently downloaded some very old songs.. but they are really nice ... somemore some are from ppl whom i do not know .. some from GIGI and mo wen wei .. haha .. ppl whom i will not be interested with ... diao ..

kk ... cheer up everyone ... let's find some ways to relax ourselves ... we still have to long battle to go !