Tuesday, February 28, 2006

holidays had finally come !!! Yeah ...

Exams ??? 2 paper allright 2 paper don't ...

just wait for results ba ...

Looking forward to March 15 ... Genting trip .. yeah ... can enjoy ...

Anyway ... not really wished to go into year 2 leh .. it's like all changed le ... a lot of new classmates.. scared not used to it ... haiz ...

1 and a half month holiday lor .. luckily 1 found a job which can last me 2 weeks .. hehe .. after my genting trip.. earn some money la ... dun wanna stay at home and rot .. haha

feel like go cut and dye hair... no money ! i wan watch pink panther too la ... haiz ...

Final des 3 is just so bloody and disgusting ... EEweeeuu....