Sunday, September 26, 2004

Today went out with jiamei ... went out at 10am ! met sandra ... pass her back her things ... then went walk walk at tampiness mall ... went bedok after that ... meet jiamei ... saw a shop selling pirated computer games ... then went in see see ... too bad dun have the game i want ! haiz ... ate LJS . that 2 piece of chicken damn small lor ... i didn't eat breakfast leh ... so damn hungry la ... so after that , went to take taxi to Orchard ... Wah kao ... that uncle ( driver ) dunnoe what is HEEREN !!! Hello ??? i was like .. erm that shop that sells alot of CDs ... then jiamei was like ( What ? dunno where is heeren ?

hmm ... went taka la , as usual .. kino ... saw a very beautiful pencil ! but cost $18.90 ... "sianz..." then continue see see .. saw another silvery pencil ... see price ... $14.90 ... "sianz" again ... then walk walk ... see another purple pencil ... see price $6.25. "sianz" again X2

What for i go see pencil ar ? haha ...

then went far east la ... got new idol shop again .. sell taiwanese idols de ... no interest ... accompany her mah ...

Oh yah .. today ask sandra whether she going japan again ... say should be ... if she can get leave from her company . well .. think she's going .. so i gotta save to buy things .. this time if can i want but morning musume things leh ! haha ... Jiamei also say she going Taiwan to see energy ... k lor ... they all so rich ...

Aiyah ... now air tickets so cheap ... go places like Thailand/KL only need $0.49 only . some only $0.29

Think Hong Kong/Taiwan also like that la ... Aiyoh .. like that "zuan" what ... "Sianz"...

tomorrow one more day off ... no school .. yeah !

***Today damn piss off with someone ... (aga diagarigie ish togu sayge waga egu wagan togu sharegei withgi yougour frengen . nogot togu logot itgi . stugupigi lagah. bakayarou... yogour angar mohgo sogo langan ... )