Friday, June 02, 2006

I am here to announce : SCHOOL HOLIDAY LE !!!

Finally ...haha ... hmm ... e-learning week + 2 week vacation...

today flash was allright ... eng a little no mood to write .. but think should be okay la .. hehe

went eat pizza hut . $4.95 only .. hehe ... ate hawaiian pizza . cannot finish ... gave xiao suan a piece .. hehe ...

went library ask ppl do survey .. dun dare lor ..follow behind xiao suan ... haha .. timid ...

realised short of 15 sets ... go reprint again ...

reach home ... hmm ... eat sweet corn ice cream .. haha ... then see renfu .. and here i am .. play com again ...

hmm ... i wan to rest !!!!!!!!

dunno why i got a feeling that i will be very busy in these coming weeks ... haiz .... holiday is short !!!

k la ... misses renfu so much . gtg bye !

**happy to agnes and ming juan

*** Looking forward to next week BBq .

**** Looking forward to out 9-ppl chalet at paris ris ...

***** Looking forward to our cycling at east coast with cindy they all ..


Our Project story would begins with: Life without music is boring !!! hehe ...