Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Allright .. lots of thoughts in my mind right now . I'll try to express all out if i can okay ?

-I can't socialise well .. Today .. during econs, i was being separated to other grps to discuss tutorial.. and i felt that i couldn't tok with them ... it's like .. they are strangers to me . what shld i do ?

-you can choose yr own friends isn't it ? this is what i believe . i cannot accept the fact that everyone in this world is yr fren .. yep . i can't .. well .. i am very dependant on others ... so frens out there. i need u all a lot .. and a lot...

-sch life sucks man . i dun like to listen to lectures.. i can't stay quiet down there and listen to talks . i need to talk .. i need to move around . i dun like to shut myself in a room for too long.. so .. jas .. stop complaining about me being noisy during lectures okay ! haha ..

-5566 .. ppl around me keep saying me too obsessed with them le. but i do not think so .
i think only me myself can understand why they are essential to me . i do not need to say out as i tink no one would understand except myself .. so no point saying out .. yeah ..

-food .. haha .. am i in love with food ? after renfu's influence ? omg .. this shouldn't be the way okay ..though it is a good topic to chat with frens when there's no other topic to talk to ..

-teachers .. oh no .. u all are horrible .. allright .. not ALL , but certain ones..yeah .. though u all are PART-TIME lecturers or tutors , pls .. for god's sake .. please teach properly .. not having the attitude .. in class i just talk .. after class , i just go... omg . u think we can understand u ? yeah . this is especially for WSD,Econs, and worst of all, Gems module ... haiz ... >_<

Allright.. enough grumbles ... shall stop here .. tml got work ..

*Smsed jiamei wishing her a Happy Birthday ... but she didn't reply me .. oh okay lor .. >_<

** Tml mummy b.day !!! Happy Birthday to Mummy !!!

*** Wish everyone be Happy always !!!