Monday, June 12, 2006

bored .. i'm so bored ... spent the whole weekend on watchin TV and 5566 stuffs etc ...

Whole sat watch tv ... play com ... sianz ...

Whole sun watch tv ... play com .. BUT at night after sleeping for 10 mins ... i jumped off my bed and took out my econs textbook to read !!! Perfect Competiion , Production and its cost etc ... Wow .. guilty sia ... so long no study le .. haha . after reading these chapters ... then i can go off to bed ...

Yesterday de er mo zai shen bian very touching ... haha ... cried a bit ... cos or Ah Rang and Ah Meng .. hmm ... yang chen ling very cute in this drama lor ... then watch shui zui tai zhong ! actually i am watching three channels at the same time lor .. haha ... channel 49 showing 183 club special , channel 54 shoing 5566 xi ha pi tou si , channel 56 showing shui zui tai zhong ... so i just swtich switch and switch channels whenever one gets boring ... hahahaha

watched online shao nian te gong dui after that ... from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm .. aiyoh yesterday renfu lose sia ... punishiment was eat dead insects or something ar ... so disgusting lor .. but i have to say ... that tong hai really cruel ... hit renfu soo sooo sooo damn hard ... the 'cane' head also broke off le lor ... reallyy painful sia ... haiz ...

hmm ... yesterday watch a bit of WC (netherlands) de .. then go sleep liao ... haha .. from first half i see is 0 : 1 .. till it ends also 0 : 1 ... so sianz lor .. haha .. i think basketball better .. haha .. yesterday er mo zai shen bian got show a bit of their basketball match ... ah meng played till vomit blood lor !!! ER !!! misses MVP leh ... hahahaha ... rewatch ? dun wan la ...

kk .. i now go watch my magician's love le ... bye bye !

***I'm stuck with IDA .. and Adobe Premier ... so difficult to import videos lor .. haiz ...