Friday, June 25, 2004

Best Bet

Changed a new template ! haha ... this one is really >_< !!! why , definetly i hate school of course ! haha ! well tml i finally can go Escape with my school frens !!! Finally ! haha

Today watched The Best Bet with my mum, sis and bro ! Argh .. i didn't know the movie is all in hokkien ! haha ! luckily got the english subtitles! to my shock is that, most of the audience are "AH MA" and "AH PEH" !!! haha ... well , i think these kind of movie suit them best ! isn' it ?
Well , it's nice though !!! Funny, of course , and i love the part whereby Jack Neo rap ??? haha ... it's the only pathetic part he appeared in this movie ! singing , erm no , is rapping!! ---> inside our Singapore currency ! haha !!!

Erm , the bmg right , actually i wanted a japanese song ! but u know , i can't find any !!! Therefore i chose clay aiken > " invisible" ! erm , i knew him through the television commercial !!! his' voice is sorta i like those kind !! haha , but i will still prefer daniel radcliffe ! He is just so sweet ! oh , dan dan !!!

dan away ~ bye2 !

*looking forward to tomorrow's activity !
my sis went barbeque AGAIN !!! me , of course , staying at home , rotting away !!!