Thursday, September 30, 2004

Shit ... I failed ... That most "daisetsu" na subject .
But Mrs Tai called me out today and spoke to me ... Saying I'm the only one in class who can qualify for JC .. and she say .. if you don't want go JC no point helping you to pull up your English ma .. So she let me consider ... Well .. ting/char/koon they all say must go try but ... i very troubled leh ... hello ... My English is in a mess .. how am i going to survive inside ? at least throw ting inside then better .. her English better than me leh !

haha ... I have got "X" for my Geography .. what a shocking thing it was when i heard ... hahahaha ... wondering what my Social Studies got leh ... cos i feel that this time the source based is difficult ! so maybe my marks will be lower than usual this time lor ...

Wah kaoz ... today go school so sianz .. only 18 ppl came .. manda didn't come ... Initially Ms poh say that we can get back our papers .. but after that teachers' meeting , everything changes ... and ms poh even got into trouble ...
Haiz... I still don't believe that I'm the XXXXX for maths ... But this is nothing to me ... cos i believe that my grade is always that B de .

Sianz .. what to do ? buck up lor .. gotta pull up my socks ... my physics ... damn it .. gotta gambatte le ...