Wednesday, October 20, 2004

tanjoubi omedetou to shan-chan ! haha *crazy*

Today celebarte with frens ... hmm ... went shopping too ...

yah .. i long time didn't update le ... busying re-watching vcds ... recently watching KUGNFU soccer ... hehe ... dicky mah ... got twins too .. yeah !
i was shocked that he was actually a "SHA ZI" .. haiz ... that wig of his ... erm ... what should i say ??? >_<

Hmm ... that stupid cake got blueberry >_< not nice de ...

May sent me greetings today ... so happy ... cos we like 1 year didn't see and talk to each others le ... i'm sorry ...

Sorry to jia mei too ...forgot your birthday is on 7th of OCTOBER !!! haha ... sorry ...

Sorry to Rachel and Sandra too ... too busy with my studies le ...

Geraldine called me yesterday ... told me about Cindy's stuffs ... haha ... really missed those days whereby i will call her office and gossip ! haha ... so what if "SHE" is going japan ? make my fren so sad and angry ??? i'll curse u ! haha ...

Today 1st episode of Ren Wo Ao You ... can see toro ... yeah ...

Exams soon .. haven started studying yet ? i had agree with myself that i have to start at 21st of october ... which is TOMORROW ??? yeah .. i better start !!!

hmm ... 7pm le .. XI LING MEN ... i got to go ... hehe .. bye !