Monday, October 03, 2005

It's holiday now...

5566 month !!! haha
why ? cos i just fully enjoy myself in their varitey shows...
hmm ... but somehow i feel that this month will pass away very fast ...
time really passes very fast !!!

hmm .. this month ...
wanyi b.dae coming le .. so is my mum and my brother's de b.dae

then still got jasmine de ... melody's is today .. that's all i know ....

no work .. sianz .. always staying at home play com ...

motto gambaru yo ... 72 dayo ...

56 is definetely using their life when they performing ... they put in 100% effort in doing their part.. this is wad we can learn from

Obstacles ... jealousy ... this is wad we would face once we step into the society ... dangerous, cruel and unfriendly society it is .. it's real ..
so how i wish i could stay young forever worries troubles ...always joyful ...

my sis asked me .. wad 3 things u would need it most importantly ???
my 1st ans was mp3 player ....
why ??

Music plays a big part of my life .. i dunno how to describe .. but without music .. it's like me without life ... i'm not exggagerting !!! but it's true ...
touching , happiness, sorrow and pain .. all sort of feelings .... it all can be found in music ...

k la...blogged enuff.... bye la ...

nothing is always easy ... u will always face problems ....