Friday, September 10, 2004

Cindy ... I'm glad that u let out your heart !!! haha ... now prelim only la ... try relaxing abit !!! hehe .. just like me !!! Don't keep memorising your Social Studies la ... try focus on others mah ... do well in maths and accts will do ... SS after prelim then try hard to memorise ... there's still time ti memorise de la ... don't be too stress okay ??? ("_")

After prelim remember lend me the Korean drama okay ?
Friends forever !!! >_<

Hmm... Today actually got Primary School classmates gathering !!!haiz ... didn't go !! Some reasons la .. that day min hui called me ... haiz ... kanna a bit shocked la ... was like .. who's min hui ??? huh ?? like that ... haha ... too long didn't see / chat le mah ... haha

studied 1 chapter of SS today .. the Education one .. still got the Population one to go ... hope Japan and Sg industrial de i can still remember ... cos mid year studied b4 le .. haha ...

hmm ... shld really starts taking out my maths pp2 and accts to do la ... yo .. next week this day i having accts prelim le leh !!! WOAH ... 1 more week only ...
Haiz ...