Sunday, April 16, 2006

tml start sch le

tml start sch le !!! i am actually quite happy to say this !!! haha ...

hmm .. today shanwei come BPP lor ... didn't go la ... not that dun support him .. it iwas just thta i was playing the sims 2 !!! and watching wanyu @ channel 56 and xihapitousi @ channel 54 !!! wah .. mulit-tasking lor ...

haha.. wanyi u came to my blog le .. haha .. and finally tag le .. haha .. thanks ar !!!

today morning watched the shows i d/l last week .. forgot to watch it ... watched ming xing lao shi shuo (183 de) and ai qing mou fa shi episode 9 ...

now is 6pm le .. showing jin G jing qu @ channel 54 no renfu ba ??? onli got rainie ... nvm .. mulit-task again .. hehe ... later 7.30 gonna tune in to PPStream to online watch my shao nian te gong dui shld have renfu ba ? cos i scared he didn't pre-record this episode ...

was glad that shanwei mentioned in FM933 that renfu sent him SMS ... hahaha .... good frens indeed .. love u guys so much ...

tml start sch le... i onli can meet Xiuling lor ... sms her telling her to meet me 845am at dover .. if not i very poor thing ...nobody acc me go class .. haha ...

kk la ... nothing to blog le ...

ohyah .. recently i damn like a novel of 5566 ... called qian nian zhi lian !!! dedicated to fans who like xiezhi and renfu ... hope the author update asap lor ... everyday 1st thing go 5566club's bbs is see whether got update or not .. haha ...
i wan buy some CDs leh ... zhang dong liang and JJ

JJ got new concert !!! Who wanna go with me ? my sis ? sandra ? agnes ? haha agnes sure say dun wan la nomoney .. sandra sure dun wan too ex de ...

k la ... gtg le bye la ... dad just called me .. asking me to lend him $100 ... tml he using it for operation ... but i lazy la ... still have to go to the machine ... i ask jenn to withdraw it better ! hahahaha