Thursday, June 15, 2006

mood down again .. too bored.. been asking around see who can go with me to watch JJ's concert .. nobody wants ... charlene going m'sia , sandra going thailand ... agnes no $$ .. my small sis dun wan .. haiz ..

$65 for $88 price seats lor ... i want go leh .. now my only hope is my big sis le .. but think she also don't want to go de lor ...

hmm .. keep wanting to go lot one .. but in the end didn't.. no ppl acc me + dun wanna spend money . i know i will spend $$ once i go out ... hmm ... bored ....

watched shao nian te gong dui at 4pm .. today episode is funny .. renfu was quite genki and cheerful ... i missed this kind of renfu .. but this episode is one year ago le .. haiz ...

Today's wanyu reported about renfu and his gf relationship .. haiz .. if renfu knew it , he surly angry de .. how could they report this kind of news leh ? somemore is wanyu lor. renfu's program leh .. haiz ... sad ...
Also , shaowei sick le .. hmm he damn ke lian .. hurt + 2 days didn't sleep .. so xin ku ... jia you la !!!

dunno what to write also .. haiz .. i'm so bored so i came to blog .. i haven finish reading xiezhi's book .. cos i think i will feel lonely if i have nothing to read . it's the only book i read nowadays .. maybe i should get a new book to read? any recommend ? i prefer self-improvement de ...

tml finally can go out le . cos i know i will go with my mum to NTUC to buy chicken wings .. for monday's chalet . i hope this chalet would be a fun one . i am really looking forward to it . hehe ...

now i miss school .. SP .. i wan to go back to school .. i am just so bored ..
sat i am going back to school to do my mmwd project with xiuling and xiao suan la .. hehe ...

A purpose of a commercial clip is to something about the product right ? this is the purpose ...
Thus, i think we should always reflect and think if are we on the right track anot . yeah . that should be the way to continue with our project.