Monday, September 11, 2006

Jas Birthday...

Happy Birthday to Jaslyn ...

Well .. basically , we went marina sqaure.

met everyone at 7pm . and duh ... someone was late . and it was the birthday girl ! she arrived at 7.30pm .. reason ? Traffic Jam !!! .. duh ...

anyway .. while waiting .. we went hmv to shop . i mean me , xiuling and ming juan ...

decided to go marina square first then we shall choose where we shld go and eat . and after looking the the directory, we chose Changing Appetites !!!

These are what we order >>>

Xiu Ling > TLB ( Tender Loving Beef )
Jaslyn > Me So Salmon
Ming Juan > CA's Original Fish and Chips
Me ! > Chicken curry ! ( yeah . japanese food !!! )

And after main course, as we are all full ( except xiuling ) ... we ordered a Oreo CheeseCake .. hmm . i had a bite and i don't like it. yuck .. so cheesy .. hmm .. so i only tasted the chocolate sauce which was at the bottom of the plate.

Kk .. the total bill was roughly $65 . and it was divided among three, the b.dae girl need not pay. thus, bringing only $26 , i paid $21 , leaving $5 left !

Walk Walk Walk . we walked to esplanade which was just across ! and i saw fullerton hotel !!! SO gorgeous !!! hmm .. how i wish i have the chance to stay one night. but this wish seems so far away .

So .. This is Singapore !!! the night scenary of Singapore . Beautiful isn't it ...
Had the $1 tradtional ice cream . Jas paid for me . Thank You Jas !!! .. Erm .. the ice cream was extremely high . the uncle gave us a lot of scoop! Definitely, as we past by the sea, the breeze blew my ice cream , causing my ice cream to melt extremely fast . Sticky hands i had after finishing my ice cream !

Took mrt home with ming juan . eyes were sleepy . yeah . hold on the the pole to support myself . reached home at 11.15pm .. bathed and here i came ...

~~ Had a Fun Day today ~~

~~~~ Once again , Happy Birthday to Jaslyn !!!! ~~~~