Saturday, September 09, 2006

Had been playing computer all along ...

Well . watched the MTV channel from 5pm till 8 pm .. it's the concert. It started with Twins. then Gary Cao ge , then Xiao Xiao .. then F.I.R . hmm .. sumhow f.i.r didn't perform well la. cos i think they were sick .

Mayday rocks man.. they sang 'lian ai i.n.g' ... 'ka chia' and 'jue jiang' . too bad they didn't sing 'sun wu kong' . haiz. it would be more rock lor ... >_<

w-inds . hmm . i can only say that keita voice had changed. become deeper le . no longer able to sing those high pitch liao . my small sis and me were like . oh no ! keita ! stop singing PLEASE !!! .. cos we were feeling soo sooo sorry for his voice ! wanna protect his throat like that . haha ... well .. past is past la . now their songs not really that nice le .. 'boogie woogie 66' .. oh no ... >_< to be frank, it sucks!

cindi wang xin ling .. haha .. jun hao's fav . i mean AES's jun hao ! haha ...
yeah.. she perform 'cai hong de wei xiao' and 'i do' . i like 'i do' more .. cos it is nicer. very pleasant feeling ...

then listened to S.H.E .. i think there were the BEST . ! Yesh . i mean the BEST OKAY !!! .. wow .. i loved their voices combination . damn beautiful man .. recommended to everyone !!! And so .. they sand 'bu xiang zhan da' ( unexpectedly ), and then 'ring ring ring' ...haha .. i like the chorus .. ring ah ring ah ring , ring ah ring ah ring ... hahahaha .... then finally . it's the medley ! definitely , i knew it was 'chu dian' and 'wo men zhen me le' !!! damn nice la .. that's what i could say !!!

kk .. did i miss out anyone ? yah . there is !! ppl like vivian .. guang liang etc.. i didn't see lor . i switch to channel 56 which was showing 5566's shao nian te gong dui !!! haha .. see my renfu mah .. haha

well .. talking about shao gong .. tml they gonna show renfu's b.dae celebration . furhermore, they had a prank on renfu !!! excited ar . hopefully, tml PPStream will have the channel . cos i wanna watch it live !!! ahahahahaha ...

Anyway , i shall now post this . it's damn funny . recommended to those who are bored. it's funny !!!! .. why leh ?? haha . see it yrself ..

i like the way 5566 indulged in themselves ... haha ...