Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A shopping tuesday .

met cindy at 12pm ! at 1st told her that today i won't be bringing any money . cos i want to restrict myself from spending .. hehe but guess wad ? it's the opposite ..

things i had bought/ spent on

-Esprit tee > $20 .
-Converse Shoes > $50 .
-LJSilver > $4 .
-Arcade > $1 .

Yeah .. that's all .. wow .. it's $75 in total lor .. and where the money came from ? My BANK .. thru ?? ATM of course . haiz .. this is the bad thing of owning a card ... >_<>-Fasio Curl Volume Mascara ( On offer $12.20)
-ZA sunscreen lotion ($12.90 before 20% reduction )

Actually wanted to buy today de , but decided not to . thinking that can buy at Lot 1 mah ..

Luckily i didn't buy . cos i'm broke !!!
Yesh .. here i am declaring BROKE again ...

Hmm .. I want to eat Ajisen AGAIN !!! Saying this makes me drooling already !!! Whoa ...


Next mon would be jas's b.dae celebration . and we guys gotta treat her . she want to eat new york new york . but it's ex okay .. i was thinking steamboat ! OMG .. AGAIN ????


Btw... saw the adidas purple shoes my small sis wanted . it coat $119 like that . but know wad?
today i went the adidas outlet at suntec . it's on 30% off !!! OMG .. my small sis will be sad upon hearing this lor ..

Anyway.. it was an enjoyable shopping trip with cindy. though tired and spent a lot , it's better than staying at home and rot . ! haha... furthermore, i used my brother's ezlink card. so it's cheaper to travel around u know . haha .. save costs mah !!! WooHoo ...