Saturday, July 01, 2006

Let's begin with yesterday first ...

30th June 2006
Had a dream .. and i dreamt of yee haw ???'s so paiseh lor... haha .. why would i dream of him ... anyway .. dreamt that i was in m'sia .. and he was the school bus helper .. yeah .. so he helped me etc etc .. haha...

Then when i woke up .. it was 7am.. woke up due to handphone's alarm clock which i set it the day before... then went back to sleep .. then woke up at 7.19 with SHOCK ... i wonder how could it be today's MMWD only got 1 hour lesson ? then Oh SHIT ... i'm late !! Class starts at 8am !!!

within 5 mins , after brushing up and tied my hair , i just grab a bun and my English notes and off i go ... !!!

luckily today's god is on my way .. managed to squeeze into the 1 min LRT which arrived .. no need to wait for another 3 mins... and i got onto the 2mins PASIR RIS mrt ... which means i need not change at jurong east mrt ... hehe ... so i reach Dover mrt at about 8am ... *sweat* luckily won't be that late ..

but guess what ? the class in the end drag till 8.20am then start lor .. wah lao .. stupid teacher ...
why shld i hurry until so ke lian ????

then we went to eat breakfast during 9.50am .. next lesson starting at 10 am ... but when we eat till 10.15am , i realised . eh why teacher normally would call me de .. but not today ... then thinking maybe she not here today .. go classroom check ..door lock .. then go office .. the other person inside say she today not here ..

Then we HURRAY !!! go home !!! hahahahahaha

I uninstall my open for business !!! so that i can play the sims 2 ... cos i dun have the OFB disc mah .... hmm.. started with 1 family only ... sianz ..


Germany won in the end .. but during the 90 mins, they draw.. so lose $10 le ..

today spent $10 on England ... so england must win ! yeah !!!

Actually dun feel like betting de .. but in the end still bet .. haiz ... tempted la ...


today is 1st of July ... hmm ghost session is approaching isn't it ? hmm i scared u know .. haha ... timid little me ...

Read NP's econs notes ... just dun like reading SP's de ... nvm .. now i know more of Elasticity le . yeah .. can differentiate liao ... i feel like ppt slides are better then wad SP's lecturers did .. they just crammed all up in a few pages .. and u have to look for subheadings etc ... >_<


I'm worried for my project la .. MMWD.. we decided to retake our videos using michelle's fren's video cam .. but i;m just scared we cannot finish in time u know .. and u know , i have became more lazier since dunno when .. haha .. just lazy to do the videos thingy leh .. oh kk .. someone pls wake me up .. maybe i am not feeling pressurize by the date line .. haiz ... the dateline crashes with our accts CA2 sia .. and before that i have econs CA 2 , and after accts i have Stats CA2 ...


K... i shld give myself one last break for this week .. i know i shld wake up by next week .. and get my project done asap ... if u want a A , u must work hard , and smartly ... !!!


3pm shao nian te gong dui at channel U !!!

bye ...