Sunday, October 01, 2006

Actually wanted to post in wretch de .. haha .. but lazy to type chinese ..

well... went to work ... today wad really busy ... but anyway .. after lots of troubles during work.. i finally gotten my pay ! yeah !!! haha ... furthermore, today i played Mr Fighting on tv ... haha .. so i watched it when i'm free .. work + free 5566 to watch ! haah .. work became not tedious liao !!! haha .. bad thing is .. XXX worked with me today . yeah... suffered some 'scoldings' as usual .. forget it ...

Hmmm .. ting asking me go watch movie wor. yah i want ! and i have checked . Tiong bahru 1.05pm got wor !!! haha ... but then hor .. i choose that timing is becos i got 3 hour break from 12~3pm .. haha .. do u think i go for that timing ? or evening de ?

alternatively, we can watch CCK 5.30pm de . but i released at 5pm wor !!! haha .. just wait and see la ... dunno also ...

This week i will be working on wed night and sat morning .. morning shift wor ... haha ... 9.30pm ~ 5.30pm ... much more pay than 5pm~11pm ... haha ..

Ok la .. tml got sch ..6am must wake up . gtg sleep le la .. bye bye ...

**Today's shao gong seems nice ...saw from net de .. hope tml youtube will have . and i'll try to watch it during my 2 hour break in school .haha ...

Bye ~