Wednesday, August 04, 2004

another entry today ...

Firstly ... i wanna say thanks to those who knew my recent problems ... manda , xuan u all ... haha ... really pro in these kinds of things ... can be a psychologist le!

Thanks a million ... cos sometimes ... i really have to say this to someone ... to let all my angers and feelings out ... cos i can't be independant and i'm too weak in that ... i'm very emmotional of cos ... i can "weep" over small things ... but i know nothing is perfect ! Nothing ... even humans ...

Thanks ... Thanks ... Thanks ... no , i think i shall give u 2 a kiss! *muacks*


K ... let me start on a more cheerful entry !
hehe .. accounts ... i have been arguing with amanda , jun hao , hwee ting , and char that A LEVEL GOT PRINCIPAL OF ACCOUNTS!!!!!

but i think it's out of syllabus ! haha ... nvm .. Poly better !!!

I loathe Ms Lee ( GeO ) ... not really that much of cos ... she's a nuisance ! haha ... say wad "seldom see me enthusiatic" !!! wth ! hahahahaha

wan ... 3pm already le .. i wan go sleep sleep leh !!! haha ... have a nap !!!

Byez ...

*muacks* manda and xuan !!!

*I wanted to know who it is .. think i better ask ... *

Quite angry today ... saw someone's blog ... haiz ... things can't be help ... no choice brooding over it .. but it keeps irritating me !

Forget about it ... >_<

Sometime i think i really have some "XXXXXXXX" problem .. so therefore those affected by it , i'm so sorry ! i don't mean it okay ? i think those who are affected most by me is like cindy and wanyi ...

have been wondering whether i should go or not ... if i can go .. it's better , but if can't then nevermind !

mood had been really bad recently ... although i may look cheerful and happy in school ... who knows how i feel at home ...
slacking a lot makes me dun wanna feel like studying anymore ... but i have no choice ... either regret or buck up now ..

next week think i gotta my O level chinese results... well .. i hope i can get a b3 of cos .. but i think i most probaly be getting a b4 >_<