Monday, January 23, 2006

KU SIAO BU DE AR ... haiz ..

kanna reprimanded for not wearing formal lor . but on the other hand, teacher kept saying good and very good ..

will deduct 4 marks just becos of not wearing formal .. .haiz ...

dunno must happy or sad ...

well ... vanny now in SG .. hehe yesterday went to acc her lor .. walked at bugis .. go temple pray etc etc ...

took some photos .. hehe long time no see la . very miss her
she become more kawaii le .. more jap !!! hehe

well .. this week got DBMS project due lor .. haiz.. next week is WCd le ... sianz ...

kk gtg la ... byebye

from now onwards .. more relax la ... hehe ... no more presentation.. think gotta get a formal for next sem le la .. so scary ...

i like 5566 sing new yr song .. very nice.. hehehehehe

Happy Chinese New Year ...

Don Don le Chiang Don Don le Chiang ... yeah !!!

happie happie !!! >_<