Tuesday, April 11, 2006

today 2nd day of orientation... it had been fun these 2 days .. tml is last day le

i'm taking DBIT1A03 ... this class is good .. real good lor ... they can get along very well .. hehe .. really very well ... kk .. today whole day stay at convention centre ... that brad guy sings really well .. and that Attention Seeker > brian < ... is really damn good in beatboxing ... wow ... can't imagine lor .. used to dislike him whenever we see him in school .. cos he's always wearing u know wad ? COAT !!! OMG .. he think he very shuai and rich ??? maybe he is la ... >_<

tml is flag day le... at Tiong Bahru ...looking forward to it ... haha ... k la ... now a bit sianz .. nothing to do ... see ya ...

***i feel like watching ice age 2 lor ... ahhahaha recently no movie to watch ! haha .. no $$ also