Saturday, May 06, 2006


today is 5/6 !!! Go 56 !!! haha ... a nice date and month !!!

bought The Sims 2 Open for Business ... hmm .. at 1st hard to play .. but now getting better la !!! hehe ... $42.90 leh ... i paid half of it ... my mum paid the rest for me ...

broke la !!! hmm ... i still in holiday mood lor ... no mood to study ... so many public holidays ... and got to go for make up lessons etc ... haiz ...

sianz ... i waiting for the da vinci code ... will be watching wif my poly frens ba ... 18th may !!!
then 20th may i already asked char to go wif me to see 5566 le ...

22nd may got a CA ... but dunno what module de CA la .. haha ... haven start to study yet .. lazy ... thurs skipped Accts lecture and tutorial ... went home at 12.30pm !!! haha ... go home bath .. then watch tv .. then sleep then wake up and eat dinner then continue play my The sims2 open for business ... the sims 2 i lent to xiao suan la .. and my half blood prince book ... a bit heart pain ar !! haha ... hope she can protect it nicely ...

slacker la me .. how ?? somebody please wake me up .. i am stuggling wif my econs lor ... read ting's notes ... her answer are damn long lor .. but i think it's right to write like these .. but i lazy la .. i only during exams then will write long long de .. haha ... stats ... hmm still allright ...but u noe .. maths need practise de ma ... but i now only do tutorial .. never practise lor .. slack again .. everyday play com play the sims 2 ... haiz ... how ?? i'm feeling guilty la ...