Sunday, August 13, 2006

This is Tackey & Tsubasa latest song . Ho ! Summer ! yeah ... it's summer now you know ?? hehe.. this pair is really lovely . yeah i do love u all so much . and can see yr relationship getting better and better ar ! haha ... i like that part why u two turn yr head and sang ho! summer ho! summer . hehe .. it's just so cute !!! Yeah ...

Tml having Accts exam la.. wish me good luck ba everyone.

just finished watching shao nian te gong dui . ( today didn't study at all >_< )

hmm .. today de i only watched 1 hour . cos 1st hour dunno why dun have that channel . but later 8.30pm onwards have liao .. so faster tune in to watch . hehe

today guest was 183 club and some other girls la ... today all the guys were so pervert , except renfu ! haha .. they kept asking hey kiss here and there . so sickening . only renfu is that one who is still normal and gentlemen ! ( Renfu: Of course i am GENTLEMEN !! ) haha ...

renfu kept mentioning xiezhi not here blah blah blah . he must miss xie zhi a lot . haha pity u la . misses yr leader SoOoooOoo much. This accounts for why u keep mentioning him right ? hehe

shall sleep early today . yeah . and most importantly is , must relax! this is one of my tactic to score for exam . only when one is in a very relax mind, he/she can think better ! hehe ... so means must calm down and relax la ...

kk .. secretly tell u one thing . i haven finish study my theory for accts yet ! haha ... so tml go sch at noon and study ba . meeting xiao suan at 1pm . so i think i will meet ting at 12.45pm to take the sims from her ! hehe ... can enjoy after today la ...

kk ... today is a relaxing and happy day for me la... can see renfu, 5566, T&T and even kinkikids . hehe ... sweet dreams for me ! nitez .. bye ...

Love Renfu ...