Monday, April 03, 2006

JUST 4 Days !!! and you are missing taiwan !!! renfu ar .. buck up la .. that's what i can say .. u still got like 3 more months more to go ... i miss you !!!

reached home at 10pm ... another tired day no business leh ... very empty .. no crowd... well i can say working as a promoter this time isn't that stress as when i worked @expo ... this time got commission somemore .... kk la .. dun wanna talk about work ... i wan tok about renfu

Renfu !!! i miss YOU !!! haha ... shao wei was complaining why u didn't mention 5566 when wanyu called u .. you one by one ask about each staff of wanyu ... but u didn't remember 5566 and yr best buddy shan wei !!! haiz ... u ar ...

And u also didn't update yr blog ..>_< .. k la .. know u tired .. 6 am start work11pm end work .. jiayou okay ? dun stress yrself out ...

2 more days and i will stop working le ... 6th april gotta register my GEMs...

btw .. i got into 2A14 !!! haiz .. me and xiuling same class onli... agnes they all remain in 2A11 together ... >_< .. k la.. at least got 1 companion lor .. i dun ask for much really .. perhaps it is good for me in some sense ???

well .. i wanna go watch movies ?? i wanna go shopping !!! but i'm packed this week ... sat my sis performance at raffles hotel ... sunday gotta go .. erm .. what u call that ? shao mu ! sweep tomb ? haha *in chinese* ... well... think that will last till noon ... mum taking leave on that day ...maybe can drag her go lot one shop a while? hehe

again .. when i'm free ..i read the 5566 stories written by fans. scanning thru daily to see any chapters updated or not !!! hehe ..

wah .. my com speed very the slow ar ...wanna d/l my 5566 variety shows also must take ages lor ... >_<

k la.. i wana go surf my 56 le ...byebye

*** happy to vanny who is having her TML !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 19th Birthday , Vanny !