Sunday, July 25, 2004

Getting up early this morning .. it's 9 am now !

Just now went to market with my mum ... cos nothing to do .. woke up so early , had a bath ( it's too itchy)and went out ... then while walking past some blocks , i saw a lot of man wearing white , and there was 2 policemen ! i thought some one was trying to commit suicide ... so i ask my mum whether we shall go over and see ???

Then while i walked , i realised there was no civil defence car ! so it can't be any one commiting suicide !!

Reached Keat Hong shopping centre ! saw a big banner writing "warmly welcome Yeo Chock tong " (wrong spelling ? )
haha >_<

then , i heck care bout it .. and went with my mum to buy our stuffs ...

Yuck ... Lotus is so disgusting .. it's covered with mud all over ! but i like it when my mum cooks it inside soup ! saw a maid there peeling off lotus's mud ! hey .. maid abuse !!! how can they hire a maid and yet make her do these stuffs !!! Fine them Sue them !!!

went back home and i saw alot of "white" ppl ... So .. it was those minister"bodyguard" and lotsa reporter !!! haha ... so it was not commiting suicide ! they were looking and observing the people here !!

My mum wore red shirt , and the PM yeo chock tong went over and shake hands with my mum ... i walked away , go and look at my fav. watermelon ! haha

I feel that the ppl there are so fake ! just becos today got guest come , the corners are SO CLEAN!!! narrow lanes become wider ones .. haha ... i think the stall holders are forced to clean them up ! and look more cleaner and presentable !

Went home .. ate vegeterian noodles and 1 roti prata ... can't finish the noodles >_<

Erm .. it's 9.30 now ! 1 more hr to go and i shall prepare to go to school ! hahahahahaha

bye !