Saturday, October 07, 2006

went work again .. allright .. damn tired right now ...

Haze is awful ..It makes Singapore look like Genting u know .. haha ..

I just hope that i won't fall sick ...

1 more week i can get my pay le ! must save this time ...

My mum coming .. but i have to work on that day .. sad nah ... >_< .. no choice la ..

Well .. i have comment myself today .. Yeah .. shan2 had done her Stats tutorial !!! Hooray !! no more worries !! But .. my econs tutorial not done yet .. In school !!! i didn't bring it home .. allright .. walk one step see one step ba ..maybe monday go school early do ? haha ... see 1st la ...
oh yah ... 10th oct is also jiamei !!! hehe ... almost forgot ..but i so long didn't contact her le ... maybe send her an sms on that day ba .. k la ..

currently applying mask on my face .. so cooling & refreshing .. my skin needs mositure okay .. well .. the relaxing me ...

i am damn worried for my stats lab test lor .. SPSS .. kk .. shan .. relax !!! hehe

that's all la .. kk .. bye bye


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