Monday, November 01, 2004

One word ; Difficult !!!

Paper 1 ... difficult

Paper 2 ... Worst

Did compo then functional writing ...
I had the shock of my life ~

The Question wad asking : Many Singaporeans like to go hotel to stay so as to celebrate christmas , new yr ..

The Ans i wrote was about : Many Singaporeans likes to go hotel after they celebrate finished their festivals , go hotel rest & sleep .

Totally out of point ... by the time i realised , it was 9.40am .. paper ends at 10.05am . only got 25 mins to write like that ...
cancelled the whole "wrong" compo ( which was 1 page plus another three quater page ), wrote 1 page compo .. think just nice to meet the minimum no. of words

Conclusion ? Eyes got problem , brain not in good condition ... need repairment !

Paper 2 : out of 5 words , only know how to write 2 words

the rest still dunno .. many said difficult ... me too ... even melody said she maybe can't get A1 ...

Tomorrow SS paper ... fren, deyi, say he studied chap 3456 . ^5 . me too ...

Wished those i studied will come out ...

Good luck to myself .. and Bye !

*on my way to see Tackey & Tsubasa new live ; Serenade !!!

TSUBASA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~