Wednesday, January 04, 2006

One word: Unlucky !!!

lost my crumpler bag .. kanna stolen ... all my belongings .. my handphone, mp3, thumbdrive, notes and project files all these ... all project have to re-do again .. haiz ...

Sad la ... i wish i can have a new mp3 lor... if no mp3 i will die de leh .. music is my life lor .. haiz ...

no use finding who stole it .. no use finding the whole SP .. it's so big .. moreover, if he/she did it intentionally, he/she would have gone out of SP or to some other areas de lor .. haiz ...

dun wanna say about it le la

i want go temple pray pray .. hope everything goes well in year 2006

what a bad thing to begin with in this year ...

Dog year is not my year .. gotta be more careful