Monday, August 09, 2004

today is national day !!! wow ~

anyway .. went to check out for lastest harry potter news ... erm .. they're currently shooting the port key scene ... before that i knew was the maze secene .. which is almost the ending part of book 4 , now they jumped back to the front part ..

the lady managed to take photos of emma ... whoa ... emma is so generous .. erm .. but however daniel was obstructed by his dad , his dad just dun let him interact with his fans ! that's unfair ! why the rest can ..
saw james and oliver ... the 2 twins ... kakoii !!! ~~~ golden hair ... same looks .. haha

wow .. i realised i can't wait for the next movie and next book .. book 6 ... when are u releasing ??? my neck is growing longer and longer EVERYDAY !!!

anyway ... here's a report from the fans

In this scene, Mr. Weasley is walking what looks further into the woods, Fred and George are keeping up with him, then Hermione and Ginny run to catch up, and Harry and Ron are still lingering behind. Mr. Weasley turns around and shouts to Harry and Ron “Come on boys, Keep up!!” Then you see Harry and Ron running, and they walk into a foggy wood.

there .. this is the port key scene !! wow ... they gonna dissappear from here !!!

emma !!! wow ...