Thursday, July 06, 2006

yesterday went xiao suan house to do project ... did filming and editing . so far, we are only 30% complete i think . well tml shall do more .

I somehow think that the filming doesn't look too good . thus that means we have to do more on editing and touching up . the effects and colors hopefully can enhance the whole video clip .

today went school at 10am . met xl agnes they all . then had econs . allright but still quite ensure in some parts . then break . ate chicken chop . omg . the meat was so hard and yucky . but i managed to finish all as i dun want to waste la . then bought $1 of nugget . 4 piece . was wondering wan $0.50 de or $1 de . but in the end bought $1 nuggets.

had accts lecture . erm , i wanted to listen to lecture but i just couldn't stop talking with jaslyn . well u know, i can seldom concentrate during lectures.. haha ... anyway , skipped accts tutorial la . went home watch shao nian te gong dui . hehe .

projects and projects .. i wan entertainment . but i tink i'm too relaxed le ? yesterday michelle just said me very lazy . wah . 1st time ppl say me lazy leh . dunno whether good or bad ? hmm . i am a slacker . finally ..

renfu coming back to wanyu on 13th JULY . looking forward to that day . still got 1 more week to go . but it's thurs , shld i skip my accts tutorial again ? haha ..i doubt so

23rd aug is my english oral de . k . dun wanna do anything to it .. >_<

i wan eat steamboat . calling hwee ting , charlene and cindy !! attention !! .. hmm but if one of them cannot make it , then i shall cancel this gathering . cos we so long no meet le . i wan eat at marina south . cos i have never ever eat steamboat at that place before.

feel like going to Jurong library to study this sat . cos i know i won't study if i stay at home ! haha ...

well . when exams finished , i think i will start exploring my sims OFB le . cos i find it a waste to buy and not play it . yeah i know it's difficult to play , but challenging game isn't it ?

kk i shall stop here and get on with my mmwd project ... see ya