Friday, May 26, 2006

Hurray !!! I finally can relax a little bit !!! I cleared my Econs and Accts paper FINALLY !!! ... Still got Flash , English and Report Writing to go !!! But is next week !!! And IDA next month ! haha ...

Econs was difficult and Accts was easy ... I really have to say that after 2 times of checking ... i found an error !! haha ... my depreciation counted extra 6 months .. hehe .. so happy that i managed to find the mistake lor .. haha .. mr cheung ..u cannot minus my mark ar !!! haha ...
kinda in good mood today .. hehe ... hope can get high marks !!!

hmm ... I'm relaxing now ... on computer as soon as i got home ... ate fried rice ... read qian nian zhi lian ( finally updated la ) ... HAPPY !!!

tml i think i going to finish my FLASH revision ... haiz ... scared of it la ... and do my Econs tutorial and stats one also ... so many things to do .. E-learning week comning and as well as school vacation !! so in total 3 weeks no need to go Singapore Poly !!! haha ... that's cool ...

kk shall blog till here

tml renfu back to taiwan !! yeah ... can see him live on wanyu !!! Yeah ....