Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Yeah !!! I am here to declare:


haha haha ... yesterday accts paper ... lost 2 marks in calculations .. but as for theory part.. jialat is what i could say >_< . hope still can get A la ..

Results will be released on 9/13 ... tanoshimi ...

Yesterday went to find Mr Wong ... hmm ... my IDA Test got 88/100 .. okay la . still not bad. 2 MCQ wrong only . thus 12 marks gone . >_<

Michelle xiaosuan they all did quite well too . 84 and 78 .. hehe ... Xiuling got 72 ... yeah ... Cos we all copy answers de .. haha . i didn't copy if i am not wrong ! haha ....

Later will be my class de steamboat outing le . but i feel like going to marina square to walk 1st leh .. sms xiuling but she didn't reply me . maybe she is still sleeping la . haha .. shuan le ...

Now watching Wei Xiao Pasta Episode 5 . Acted by Zhang Dong Liang and Cindi Wang . hehe .. it's a nice and funny show ... Will recommend people to watch . It's available at YouTube !

so bored now .. haha ... nothing to write liao also ... hehe ...

so that's all .

Kind of in a happy mood ... ~~~ LALALALA ~~~~