Thursday, August 24, 2006

haiz .. recently so many sad news...

1st is renfu and his girlfriend . the news is getting bigger and bigger . i am starting to think this news is true lor . but renfu doesn't seems to be the person so unresponsible. if the child is his, he shouldn't have ask ji mei mei to abort it lor . he isn't like that . ans as for ji mei mei who have been hiding for months ... yeah . maybe she's really pregnant . thus she want to avoid the media .

reporters need artiste , artiste need reporters . but ... sometimes i really hate reporters who changes true facts inside shit and craps ~! this causes outsiders to believe what they saw on news.

I do really hope this child thingy is real . hope renfu can be the first in 5566 to become a father . hehe ...

2ndly, ppl say that there isn't any b.dae party for renfu . hmm . is that true ? i think maybe wanyu wan to give us fans and renfu a surprise . so they did not say anything . i believe there really is ! i believe .....

3rdly , haiz .. cindy and jas not joining us for steamboat . so sad ... left with 6 ppl only ... a bit like little ppl lor ...

tml econs paper le ... hmm.. think 70% done liao... i'm like no confident leh... my aim is A .. but i no time to write . i have to think de lor . and thinking takes time too ... how to write so much without thinking and within 1 hour 30 mins? still got 20 marks on MCQ lor ... MCQ is easier to score but TRICKY!!! .. haiz ...

recently hook to fan wei qi de song> yi ge xiang xia tian , yi ge xiang qiu tian ! heheh ... what a long name ...

kk .. shall stop here .. later going study with lifeng they all ... bye bye ...