Tuesday, December 07, 2004

hate my com... feel like bashing it ...

well long time no blog le ...

i'm crazy over harry potter again .. i read book 3 , 1 and currently book 4&5 ...
read it when i'm on my way to work ... peak hr anyway .. but this doesn't stop me from reading it

HP project new song : All fpr one and One for all ..
great song .. got W and berryz ! haha

total think got at least 60 ppl together ? wow .. it't like johnnys ... but johnnys is much more than that ...

cindy now currently in hk le ... must be enjoying herself la ?

this sat going for that concert ... managed to find cheap tickets ... wanted to buy the better seats one .. but not worth it .. expo is not as big as indoor .. so can't be bother to spend so much ... manda said junhao bought $98 de .. $98 seats i can get it at about $70 leh ... hmm ... too bad la ...

recently feeling quite down ... the society is really unexpectable ... wow .. dun know how to phrase it ... leave it to the heaven and decide ...

everyday while working , whenever i'm bought , i think about Harry ... hmm .. it does gives me an encouragement to strive harder .. also ... that time, i thought ... harry is not good in his studies ... some subjects i mean , like potions ? but he's good in defence against the dark arts ! somemore scored full marks in year 3 ... hehe .. thanks to lupin! so .. in these ... after doing some soul searching , i finally got it ... one can be good in this but not the other ... nobody is perfect ...
hermoine too .. she herself admit she's good in memorising only .. books and spells all these kind of stuffs ... but harry ? he is able to think fast , react fast.. and that's how he managed to fight and escaped from voldemort ... he tried to be modest saying that it's all luck !!! but u see ... at those situation , him , without help , is able to do it ... well ... i realised something too ...

i always say that my exams i did well with the help of luck .. but is that really true ? am i a harry or a hermoine ? me myself i think i'm hermoine who just read off books and memorise it ... but why ... why the result is so different ? panic ? stress?

well .. change subject

yesterday chat with geraldine through fone for about 1hr ... we so long never like that le ... i'm so glad ... so happy ... i talk a lot of stuffs .. different stuffs .. from japan to idols ... then to aes , then to frens ... then to tv shows ... and schools .. and poly jc things ... haha .. she got a driving licence le .. good for her .. but maybe 1 yr later then i ask her take me for a ride . u know ... beginners .. erm ... haha

k la ... next time then chat more .. feeling quite low recently .. frens all drifted away .. haha

see ya , diary ... love u ... and i misses my frens .. vanny too ..