Saturday, September 16, 2006

20 mins more to sunday . i damn tired right now. just finished work. reached home but i can't bath cos my stupid big sis is inside the bathroom . darn ..

my work ..

well . .it's still acceptable until i heard that those weekday staff are like so scary . omg . i think , just follow one rule, speak lesser, do more things . haha ... this is what a newbie shld do . allright ... the staff today are quite nice to me . but things might not be true . haha . still have to be careful la . the boss is so stern . a bit scary u know . so again , i just pretend to be busy, pack this and that .

noon was quite empty but evening onwards was busy . i ate chicken rice at 6pm++ .
was damn hungry ... stomach kept growling but i controlled myself. why ? cos i ate breakfast cum lunch at 11am. so .. yah .. so many hours without food was terrible .

anyway, the good thing of this job is that i can watch a lot of dramas . like today they played my fav zhang wei jian, dicky cheung's drama . xiao yu er yu hua wu que . haha .. then .. played the korean drama, goong. but not really watched cos too busy . or can say that cannot concentrate la . then after that they played liao zai .. a so call ghost drama . got rainie yang cheng lin and wang lu jiang . didn't dare to watch but managed to peek a few scary scene . haha

overall , i will only give this job 60marks la . i dun really like the boss . face black black de . haha . boss are always like that .

so .. walk one step see one step ba ..

hee >_<

tired, and now , finally i can go bath le . haha .. bye ...

morning right now . had ample of sleep . weather is a bit cold . thus this makes my sleep more comfortable . haha .love my bed , my 2 blankets , my dog, my small pillow and my bolster . hehe .. Love u all so much ..

Well . one more hour later i am off to work . abit nervous . yeah but i know that i must overcome it . haha ..

So i will tell the uncle i can only work on wed or fri during weekdays .

walk one step see one step la ...

Anyway . went youtube watch something which is neither related to 5566 nor have 5566. It's a talking show called Ma La Tian Hou Gong . So this episode, the topic was "Tong gao yi ren de ma la xin shuan" .
My comments on this episode after watching it is . haiz .. they are so poor thing . they have to suffer this and that yet the money they get is definitely much more LESSER than those popstars themselves. haiz .. Entertainment this route is really very dark and tough . So ..those mei mei who wanna think of going into this job, must really consider the consequences first . I guess the 1st thing u have to do is, tear yr face off . yeah . cos, u have to lose yr face in front of the TV then u can become popular. Well . there are exceptional cases though. like jay chou . his composing talent and his unique singing tone/technique.

Really pity these artistes ...

Yesterday watch shao nian te gong dui . 9/10 de . finally it is released on youtube . why am i so eager to watch is becos renfu was kanna tricked due to his .

Xiezhi they all planned this de. hehe .. so renfu was made to ran and catch the freebies for almost 10 times. at first he was happy as he can re-run again . cos he he catch the freebies, he can get NT5000 . so the love-money-renfu will never ever let the chance fly again . so he run again . then sometimes ( all part of the trick ) , the coach purposely threw the freebies in a very lousy way , or whistle did not blew off but renfu had run le . haha . well can see that renfu didn't really throw temper . yeah , as mentioned , he had grew up . so he only complained a bit . haha . then xiezhi they all brought the cake out and celebrate it with him . he was touched but he kept putting swimming pool water onto his face . haha .. cute ar ...
so this was basically what happened la ..

Go see see ba ...