Sunday, June 25, 2006

A really sad news.. Jason hsu , member of 5566 ... this year twenty le . maybe at this kind of age ... Lots of our family members will be gone forever and ever . Why am i saying this ?
well ... his grandmother has passed away .

I am grateful he didn't showed any sadness during wanyu ... Nobody realised he was really sad until this week . No wonder on Wednesday , you took leave . i thought u went filming . but actually u went to see your grandmother for the last time . Hmm .. Many people said that you had grown up a lot... yeah .. you did ... and is A LOT ! .. Not many 20-year old ppl can do this ... Finishes all your work first ... responsible to own work etc ... hmm ... and also do not let emotions overpowers you ... How i wish i could ...

I'm also scared of this kind of days ... i hope my loved ones can stay on as long as possible . this is so as i think i am still young . i do not want to face this kind of separation so early . my dearest ones ... please wait till i have totally become a full grown adult , someone who can really stand up without anyone'e help . So please ... wait ...

hmm .. it's morning now .. woke up .. 1st news heard from my dad was argentina drawed with mexico ... hmm ... shocked . almost everyone wld think that argentina will win lor ... btw , i won for yesterday germany vs sweden ! Hurray ! haha

then came online, michelle cannot upload her assignment , and i helped her do so .. must pay me tips ar! ahhahaa .. just joking ...

then went to 5566 club ... hmm .. saw this news of jason .. and my mood immediately went down . i hate to know this kind of things .. really sad nah ...

kk .. still have a long day to go ... tonight will be 5566 day ! shao nian te gong dui ... Yeah !!! hehe
