Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ice age 2

today watched ice age 2 wif ting ... hmm .. it's a good movie ...i would give 9 out of 10 points !!!

Orientation has ended ... it's is an enjoyable thing to be a facilitator .... i wish i can be another one next year ...

Tml starting school le ... and i finally got my formal clothes liao ... yesterday went wif mummy to westmall to buy ... at 1st go G2000 ... $59 for the top ... almost bought it ... but in the end didn't cos it looks too big for me and it seems like i'm wearing a pyjamas ... haha ... the smaller size doesn't fit me ... bigger size too big ... what the heck *** haha .... luckily mum suggested going upstairs see see 1st ... then went to this shop called DANO ... wow .. they having promotions somemore lor ... i got my top easily ... but !!!! now is the bottom trouble ... dun noe want to get pants or skirts ? tried onto the pant ...Eewww.... it looks weird on me ... nvm .. then i tried on a skirt ... hmm ... at least better la ... then tried a few more design ... and i finally gotten a SET !!! hahahaha ... spent 1 hour shopping for formal clothes at westmall ... again .. it's like another big stone thrown down from my heart liao ...

sat i wan go orchard walk walk leh ... cos sch starting liao and i know i won't go there often le ...

*** I wan the esprit jacket which cost $109.90 !!! PLEASE !!! hahahaha ... i think it would never ever happened to be my personal jacket ... we have fate ... but i no $ to buy u la .. see you in my next lifetime ba ! haha

life without renfu is just boring ... miss u !!!