Friday, February 10, 2006

sad ... but happy for jia jia at the same time ...

i failed my english .. D7 again .. nvm retaking again ... haiz ..

JiaJia got A2 for her POA .. hehe .. she thanked me for tutoring her ... well ... i think she herself also veyr hardworking la .. really feel proud of her lor... ELEVEN leh .. so good lor .. somemore english also got pass lor ...

Well .. exams coming liao .. 20th FEB ... starting to feel stress le la ... haiz ... Relax okay ... relax ...

Yeah i aiming distinction for my accting ... hope WCD, DBMS also can get Dist also ...

FOM ?? well got B can le la .. hehe

haiz ... this is my target la ... hope that i can pass well lor ...

wait for 1 more months and i think i can get my results le ba .. haha not even exams yet and i'm thinking so far le .. haha

k la ... must tell myself "Don't be so sad" ...
but just wondering shld i really retake ? cos it's like a waste of money sometimes ...

haiz ... this also means i have to take an extra module for my course since i still failed O's English ... >_<

see ya ...


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