Friday, December 23, 2005

Happy Christmas to ... ...

Renfu : Happy dating with your mei mei okay ...Wish you two can get married soon. I bet your kids must be really cute and chubby ...

MengZhe: Happy dieting and earn your $25K from Sun Zhong , Xie Zhi and Shao Wei
PS. Renfu you also... better start dieting and earn your $15K from Sun Zhong... See, Xie Zhi and Shao Wei don' dare to bet, cos they know you sure can do it de !!! JIA YOU !!!

XieZhi: erm... i don't know much about you but just care for yourself okay .... Your health also important ! Be nice to renfu too !!! HeHe

ShaoWei: No need to wish you la.. cos you sure know how to enjoy de. Be Happy always ... Best wishes for your 'secretive' family.

kkk .. enough for 5566... now is friends la ...

Cindy: you sick ar ??? kk .. then get well soon okay ... Jia You .. don't spread to me can le .. haha ... Next time play pool wif u okay ???

Wanyi: today asked you go watched narnia ... but u said got something on... haiz... when can we meet and chat all the way ??? haha

Ting: Erm .. always tired de?? haha .. Thanks for your christmas card ! Sorry that i didn't prepared one ...

Char: Same to you too ... Thanks for your card... You really very sincere lor ... You almost gave me cards for 2 years le leh ! thanks a lot .. i still got keep the last year christmas you gave me ! thanks !!!

Sining: haha ..Friends forever...And thanks for always chatting wif me !!! Yeah ...

Sandra: Hehe ... thanks for going concerts wif me .. We have known each other for 5 years le ba ??? haha ... keep in touch always !!!

JiaMei: haiz .. recently didn't keep in contact wif you lor ... but also , Happy Christmas to you !!!

Audrey: think you are not in Singapore now, enjoy your trip to Korean ba!!! hehe . What a nice christmas gift you have got.. not like me .. stuck in SG...

YeeKoon: So cute are soooo cute !!! ... haha ... never ever forget that time i saw u at dover MRT station !!! Cuties !!!

Vanny: Come SG faster la !!!!!!! haha .. Christmas in Australia ??? Sounds great ... Happy Christmas to you ... Glad that you like my 'PINKISH' christmas card !!!

To others whom reads my blog and Everyone : HAPPY CHRISTMAS !!! ENJOY YRSELF !!!


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