Thursday, December 08, 2005

hmm.. what should i say ??? the perfect 2 ...
wish them all the best ... they have thought me a lot of things ..i really thank them a lot

today accts CA .. k la .. at 1st cannot balance .. then later checked thru, then found the error liao . lucky lor .. muddleheaded-me haha

well... my classmate huiting said gers are supposed to have dramatic changes of mood. is it so ?
i dunno why i feel moody so easily lor ... worry about this and that ...

tears flew out of my eyes after i saw Energy's yan lei de wei dao .. duno why ? stress ba maybe ...

this sat is may day concert le .. dunno looking forward ma ? haiz... so fan ar !!!

frens .... schwork ... money ... why is it always like that
i know i shldn't go for branded stuffs, but i'm easily influenced lor
sad ar ....

most human are double-sided face ... i have to admit i am too .. but sometimes i just wan ppl to care for me ... especially when i need someone to help me... feeling helpless ...
i can be a kid but also an adult ... it depends on my mood and the seriousness of the matter itself ... haiz . i hate having 2 characters ... get out of me !!!


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