Sunday, December 18, 2005

5566's concert

A 3 and a half hour concert ... longer than MayDay !!! Yeah .. they granted my wish ...
Concert started at 8.20pm and ended at 11.50pm !!! Cool ...

I loved renfu's part ... the renfu-turning in mid-air part by taiji de member(dunno who) ... so dangerous but cool lor ... but actually this koichi got do it before ...

I also love that part where 56 sang tong ti ge shi jie, followed by easy come easy go and then finally tou xin yes i love you ... 3 'fast' song in a go .. but it was a messy one .. renfu's waist belt feeling falling , mengzhe pants slipping and shaowei's earphone swinging along. xiezhi i not sure .. but i think he also was also busy adjusting his mike etc ... Haiz ... then after they danced finished ... 4 wokers quickly came out and help them arrange all their things properly .. their pants , mike , electronic gadgets etc ...

so the 4 special guest is not wang zi bian qin wa de cast . it was DJ from MVP valentine, you ya yu from westside story , wei yin qi from Mr Fighting and xu zi qian from wang zi bian qin wa !!! haha this part was funny too .. they keep arguing this is where where where .. haha ... renfu mentioned maxwell coffee ??? , orchard road and marina mandrain hotel .. haha ... xiezhi performed the 'bike' part very nice ... as if he was acting west side there ... cool !!!

menzhe and shaowei part i don't really like it ... mengzhe performed hitting africa's drum and shaowei ? >>> 'hot sexy dance' . just like last yr la vinda loca by ricky martin ...

xiezhi leh > wasabi ... but the tune weird weird de ... i didn't know that he danced tip-tap dance lor ... i read the web then i know lor .. haha ... i was blocked the the board infront .. haiz ...

no matter wad... spending $135 for the most expensive ticket was really worth it ... very high lor !!! i shout and yell till my throat hoarse ... haha ... renfu sang till throat hoarse also ... cannot sing the 'high pitch' in BOYFRIEND .... and all the fans helped him sing ... then after at MC part .. he said he was very touched ... he almost wanted to cry .. he said that his scalp then numbed and that means that u are going to cry soon . i suppose he went thru that at that moment right ... well it is allright guys cry at stage la .. hey ... dun 'hold' yourself ... we are happy that u did your best !!!

renfu spoke french ... haha .. he said that his plemhgn('tan') coming out soon ... haha .. cos speaking french is like that de ...
mengzhe spoke korean .. haha .. a bit funny ... shao wei leh ... malay but he gave up .. speaking chinese instead .. haiyo ... u very old man leh ...

Sang birthday song to shaowei ... haha some fans wanted him to wish that he can get married . haiz .. this is the 1st time i sang b.dae song to idol lor .. haha .. weird weird de feeling ... never ever thought of that .. it's like we are so close ... as if like family lor ... but anyway .. overall .. i really enjoyed myself thoughut the concert .. although at the beginning i felt that it was not high enough lor .. but gradually ... it became very high ...
thanks to the lu pai pai haha .. i think without that .. i won't be high le !!! haha

still wanted to say somemore leh .... but for the moment now i cannot remember le !! !haha ... will update next time ba ??? duno ... see i like it or not ...

A Bravo , Great , Superb , Nice , Cool and HIGH 5566 Concert 2005 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm crazy !!!!



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