Friday, December 16, 2005

recently addicted to garbage truck by Mayday ... haiz .. a very touching song
how i wish i could also have a garbage truck ...

tml is 56 concert le ...i just hope that it can last 3 hours long .. just like mayday's final home concert . haiz ... i wish ....

just got back my accs CA paper ... damn sad lor ... regretted not studying properly ...
it's was way below my expectations ... I am speechless .....

Finally can give myself a break le . No more worries ...
But monday still have to go back sch do project ... FOM, CD, ACCS ... etc .... so much lor

this sem i very blur lor ... now so fast is DEC le ... time passes very fast leh ...

misses all my frens ...

May, Rachel, Shizu, Jiamei , Sandra >>> i really appreciate those days when i was in secondary sch ... yeah .. idols rocks... johnnys too !!! Rem that time we were all so into jap and anti those boyband who are copy cats ... just like 56 ..opps .... haha and f4 also lor .. haha

but now ... wow .. i'm 56 fans !!! haha .. wad a big change ... within a few years ...

Ting, Char, Cindy, Wanyi, Manda, Jia2 , YeeKoon , Audrey, JunHao, Louis, QingXiang, Alfred, Ferrando etc etc ... all my sec sch frens ... haiz ... i just hope that i can go back to sec sch days ...
love playing games during PE with manda jiajia they all .. oh yah .. and kaiying also .. hehe

misses teachers too .. ms poh , mrs tai , mr lee, ms soo ... mama chong !!! haha ... and even jerome tan lor .. so fierce ... hahaha

haiz ... treasure yr memories ba ....

I sometimes really wish that i could have 'good brother' kind of friendship .. maybe influenced by 56 ba .. why can boys be so good when they are best frens ? can sacriface .... etc .. as for gers ... stingy , selfish and etc ... haiz ... Maybe Sg ppl are like that ? dunno leh ... other countries ppl also got like that ??? It's personality la... nothing is perfect in this world ...

Audrey ... u are so cute ... that day i just browse thru yr blog ... haha ... so funny .... u hor ...
i will not forget last time u and yee koon always sing sing laugh laugh talk talk siao siao de .. haha ... imitate the pizza hut commcercial .. haha .. so funny lor

now poly life ar ... frankly saying ... i don't really like it lor... not everyone is friendly .... i feel that as u grow up ... u can hardly find any good frens le lor ... haiz ...

feel like sleeping lor .. but now is 6++pm to slp ? later night cannot slp die liao .. haha

k la .. that's all for today ...


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